Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Reading Material For Young Children - 1072 Words

â€Å"A Return to Literature† Comics are among the most popular reading material for young children. It is a stepping stone into the literature that is explored later on in life. As any entry level activity, it is expected that one should graduate from comics and go on to longer pieces of writing with no pictures. Lately however, there are less and less people willing to read. Words and pictures have a negative connotation as adult reading. With â€Å"Show and Tell†, McCloud aims to defend the use of words and pictures together through historic examples and a demonstration of how words and pictures are used today in an attempt to bring people attention back to reading, which has†¦show more content†¦McCloud wanted the reader to see what pictures and words together can do early on in the essay. McCloud states that it is normal for children to begin early literary life with the combination of words and pictures only so long as they â€Å"GROW OUT OF IT† ( McCloud 739). McCloud does not put these words in bold because that is what he wants people to do; he does it because that is what he does not want people to do. McCloud is attempting to break the common held belief that a child should grow out of comics. In the next slide we see the figure of McCloud with his arms spread out opposite each other. One arm holding back books and the other holding back paintings. McCloud says that â€Å"traditional thinking has long held that truly GREAT works of art and literature are only possible when the two are kept at arm’s length† (McCloud 740). A closer look reveals that the books he is holding back are some of the most renowned books ever written including the Holy Bible, â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird†, and â€Å"Moby Dick†. The paintings include paintings by Van Gogh. McCloud provides these great works of art and literature in order to support what he said. McCloud does not however, wish to use these examples to per suade people that pictures and words should be kept separate. His goal is to convince people that the same literary greatness can be reached with comics. McCloud continues after that slide with a slide full of advertisements as

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